Run Any Windows Apps on Any Device


NetTec IT Computer Solutions Support Consulting Services Charleston

Yes, that's right you can run applications like Microsoft Office and other Windows apps on your iPads and tablets.  If you're using an iPad or a tablet and want to be able to run applications like Microsoft Office, access your corporate data and run all of your applications that you can run when you're on a PC, we have the solution. This is not a dumbed down version of the app, it's the full feature set just like you run it on a desktop.  With an iPad, Android or Windows tablet you can run your corporate applications just like you can when you're on a PC connected to your corporate infrastructure.  

Once we cloud enable your apps, they will be there for you to run as long as you have an internet connection.  We take all of the steps to test and setup the apps so they can run and process in our datacenter so that all you have to do is tap and there it is.  Your app running on the iPad just like you want it.