Apple iPhone, iPad and Mac with Office 365

I've been a user of an iPhone since the 3G and we've had clients use Apple products for several years now.  The question frequently comes up about the integration between these "iProducts" and Office 365.  I can say that the integration is very good and at times even better than with Windows products.  There are keys to making the integration smooth.  One in particular is to make sure that if you are syncing your iPhone, your iPad and your Macbook Air email, calendar and contacts with Office 365's Exchange online, you need to setup your accounts in the Mail, Calendar and Contacts settings of your devices correctly.  For best results, switch to ONLY Office 365 accounts.  If you must maintain an iCloud or Google account, make the Office 365 accounts your default.  You'll have seamless sync and won't be puzzled about where a contact or calendar item went.  

The OneDrive integration with the "iProducts" is good as well.  You will be able to access all of those files and folders from just about any device and edit them with Office WebApps.  If you want help migrating to this type of cloud based file storage, synchronization and convenience, we're happy to help!


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