Ten reasons your business needs a strategy now to capitalize on the Internet of Things

We are constantly working to help our customers find new ways to improve their business. While the Internet of Things (IoT) may seem like a future trend, our customers need to have control over their IoT or they could be missing out on valuable opportunities in the present. Shifting to IoT is a process, and every process requires a strategy for successful implementation. That's why we've developed 10 reasons your business needs a strategy now. This brochure will give our customers the information they need to capitalize on the Information of Things.

Intelligent cloud computing lifts villages out of water poverty


A research team is using Azure to track groundwater levels in impoverished communities by tracking the data from hand-pumped wells in the region to monitor aquifer health and devise ways to deliver improved well performance across the area. To handle data transmitted by multiple nodes, cloud-based computing is essential. The ease of porting existing frameworks as well as the Machine Learning capabilities of Azure have reduced the time needed to repair a well from 30 days to less than three.

The Intelligent Edge: What it is, what it's not, and why it's useful

The Intelligent Edge is an exciting place! It provides analytic capabilities that were formerly confined to on-premises or cloud datacenters. This comprehensive article explores how the Intelligent Edge can yield deeper insights faster to transform your business. You will take a deep dive into the 3 Cs of the Intelligent Edge--connectivity, compute, and control--to learn what it is, what it isn't, the benefits to computing at the edge, and getting started with intelligent Internet of Things (IoT).

Can you automate your business without losing that personal touch?

Automating business processes can mean substantial gains for your company, but you can't forget about the personal interaction your customer needs. It's a balancing act. Managing the customer relationship requires trust, loyalty, and an established rapport. Automation requires balance to preserve that relationship dynamic and enhance the overall customer experience.