NetTec IT Solutions:
Comprehensive Tech Support and Consulting for Charleston Businesses

Your Reliable, Local IT Partner

We serve businesses just like yours: businesses that value technology. We help them get the absolute best trouble-free computer and IT technology.

By acting as a virtual IT department that businesses can reach out to, we provide solutions, support, expertise, knowledge, understanding, assistance, consulting, designing, planning, testing, licensing, connecting, securing, complying, controlling, training, maintaining, hosting, building, configuring, migrating, monitoring, updating, upgrading, improving, decommissioning, re-purposing, expanding, scaling, recovering, and implementing any technology that will help them run their business.  We can do this for your business in the cloud or on premise at your business.

Browse by Industry Expertise

  • Construction

    Is your business about construction, building, modification and/or repair? You definitely have challenges to meet codes, requirements, project deadlines, budgets and other demands. You probably run project management and other industry specific software applications.

  • Small Businesses

    We specialize in providing the absolute best trouble-free technology for small businesses. Most of our clients are small businesses and our success in this sector has earned us the Microsoft Small Business Specialist competency.

  • CPA

    To best explain why NetTec NSI Managed Services and Desktop Co-op Remote Desktop Services are great solutions for CPA and Accounting firms, one of our clients provided this …

  • Education IT


    NetTec NSI in the Top 10 Education Security Consulting/Services Companies. If you are responsible for the technology for an educational institution, you can benefit from many of our solutions.

  • Healthcare

    Would you like to have your technology work for you so you can focus on your business? We've been serving healthcare clients for over a decade now

  • Manufacturing

    NetTec NSI has helped manufacturers with their information systems since 1995. We build and secure networks that run ERP systems, logistics, lifecycle management, CAD, asset management, maintenance systems, inventory and accounting systems.

  • Tech Companies

    We've helped ISPs, Hosters, eCommerce companies, Security companies, Cable TV, and phone companies with their technology.

Our IT Service Array

  • Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD)

    We have significant experience in building and managing infrastructures for running all of your business desktops, applications and servers and we want to do this for you. We want to do this for you because we know the best practices and want you to have them so your business succeeds.

  • Azure & Cloud

    We are Microsoft Partners and with that we have developed expertise to assist businesses lower the burden of getting workloads and infrastructures up and running in the cloud and especially in Microsoft’s Azure cloud.

  • Business Help Desk

    As your business grew, maybe you handled all of the technology needs. Now that it is bigger and more complex, you want to focus on your business and not on your technology. We can help. Whenever someone in your company needs help with technology, turn over the trouble to us. We will be there for you to answer the calls, fix the problem, and get the business back up and running ASAP.

  • Microsoft Office 365

    Microsoft Office 365

    We have been helping businesses make the move to Office 365 since the inception of Microsoft's online services. We have enterprise class tools to automate the migration and keep your company up and running the whole time, with no email issues and no downtime.

  • Cyber Security

    NetTec NSI is secure by default and we take cyber security very seriously. We build every system and every process we perform and do so for our clients with cyber security in mind. We go to great lengths to lock down and secure every system and keep cyber criminals out.

  • IT Auditing

    We’re here to help. We can perform an IT audit of your entire infrastructure, local are area network, systems, servers, cloud services, and vendor contracts and provide you with an easy-to-understand report of our findings and meet with you to go over our recommendations.

  • IT Consulting

    Business technology is very different than home or residential technology. To get the most out of business systems, to make sure them run well, and to minimize downtime and delays, a business needs a technical expert or team of experts. NetTec NSI engineers and specialists love technology and are experts in what they do.

  • IT Support

    Does your business need IT Support, technical support or tech support? Would having someone with expertise in the technologies your business uses, help make your business more effective and more efficient? We think so.

  • Managed Services

    If you're looking for a way to make your technology run trouble-free and at its absolute best, you have to be able to monitor, maintain, update, and support it. That's what our Managed Services do for you.

  • Reliable Networking

    Network architecture is the design of a communications network, a framework for the specification of a network's physical components, the functional organization and configuration, its operational principles and procedures, and data formats used in its operation.

  • Network Assessment

    Network architecture is the design of a communications network, a framework for the specification of a network's physical components, the functional organization and configuration,

  • Remote Desktop Services

    Our Desktop Co-op service is what some people call cloud computing, but we've been doing it since 2002, long before the recent Work From Home (WFH) and Remote Work hype. Desktop Co-op subscribers enjoy access to up to date systems and software, anywhere and anytime for much less than the cost of owning and maintaining a conventional computer network. Description goes here

  • Remote Backups

    If the power in your office fails tonight, and all of your computers crash, how quickly can you recover? And more importantly, at what cost

  • RMM

    When someone asks what your company does, you wouldn’t say “managing information technology,” would you? If too much of your professional time and resources are spent outside your interest and expertise, and if IT issues distract you from growing your actual business, we have a suggestion.