AVD - Azure Virtual Desktop - What Our Clients Tell Us

AVD - Azure Virtual Desktop

AVD - What Our Clients Tell Us

Many of our clients have moved their on premise and cloud software applications, apps and infrastructure to a Microsoft Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD) infrastructure and have been very pleased with the results. 


Some clients employ a remote workforce because of COVID or because they have offices spread out over a geographic area.  AVD helps with this because the users can securely and easily run their work applications just like they can when they're in the main office.  The applications run inside of a desktop which looks like and runs very much like the desktops they're used to using in the office.  Our clients tell us that their applications actually run smoother and faster in AVD.  What’s better is that their data and applications are more secure in AVD.

All businesses deal with aging IT infrastructure which means that their computers, applications, and systems get old and out of date and have to be maintained and updated on a regular basis.  In AVD, the process of maintaining and updating systems and applications is much easier.  In AVD, we can quickly provision the required hardware to run almost any sized application and get it up and running without the traditional pains of an upgrade (contact us and we’ll explain this in more detail).  In AVD, we can quickly build highly available and redundant systems so that we avoid any single point of failure in the system.  In short, we can save a business a lot of time and money that is usually spent on traditional IT systems.


We first understand what software applications, servers, data, processes, work flows and systems a business requires.  Next we spec an Azure infrastructure to exceed the needs and have enough room to grow to keep up with the planned changes a business foresees.  We then provide a detailed estimate of the costs involved in a pilot to test everything and in a full scale deployment of the infrastructure.  When the client approves, we begin to build, test, pilot and plan the date of the cutover and then we bring everything online in Azure and help to safely decommission the old infrastructure.

How much?

Typical AVD deployments cost between $100 to $200 per user per month for everything.

How can we?

Contact NetTec NSI today at info@nettecnsi.com and nettecnsi.com for a no cost, no obligation free consultation.